Of the many Print Emporiums that grace the stately streets of Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, there is only one owned by Mr. Eli Pinder. What fine work this frequently sober artist creates with the aid of his steam-powered “Wharncliffe Wonderpress.”

Are you hosting the event of the season? Do you need to entice the finest Lords and Ladies to your banquet, coronation, or coming-out-ball? Then look no further than Pinders!
The fact that the Emporium is located within walking distance of the newly built Sheffield Town Hall is not the only reason Mr. Pinder secured the sole right to print the VIP and commemorative brochures for Her Royal Highness Queen Victoria’s 1897 visit to Sheffield. (And no matter what anybody says, no bribes were passed between any local officials and Mr. Pinder on the stately steps of the aforementioned Town Hall.)
Marvel in the glorious examples of his work! Delight in his expert use of font and correct spelling! When it has to be letterpress printed, Pinder is your man, most likely.